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America adheres to restrictions on travel abroad and the entry of foreigners.. “Delta” panic continues


The United States announced that it would not lift the Corona restrictions imposed on travel abroad, or the entry of foreign travelers due to the spread of the “Delta” strain.

"We will maintain the travel restrictions in place at this point for a few reasons," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday.

And she continued, "The "Delta" strain is spreading both here and around the world... Because of this strain, cases of infection are now rising here at home, especially among those who are not vaccinated."

Injuries continue to rise :

She added that infections tend to continue to rise "in the coming weeks," according to the German news agency.

It is noteworthy that the United States is currently banning entry to most non-Americans from the European Union, Britain, India, China, Brazil, South Africa, and Iran.

Psaki said there is no specific timetable for when the ban will be lifted.

European anger :

Many Europeans are outraged by the entry ban, especially after the European Commission recommended last month that member states lift entry restrictions for US citizens.

Germany is among the European Union countries that have again allowed entry to American tourists.

 During German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Washington in the middle of this month, many in Europe hoped that the Baden administration would announce an easing of the embargo.

Former US President Donald Trump ordered a ban on entry to foreigners from many countries in Europe in March 2020 after the pandemic began shutting down the US and Europe.

Avoid traveling to Spain :

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also advised to "avoid travel to Spain" due to the huge increase in the number of cases of "Covid-19".

And the American Bloomberg News Agency reported, on Monday, that the American centers raised the warning level against travel to Spain to the highest alert level.

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised against all travel to the UK due to the high number of cases there.

booster dose :

And the chief infectious disease doctor in the United States, Anthony Fauci, had warned Sunday, that the country was moving in the "wrong direction" in the fight against a new wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, in which vaccinations are slowing.

Fauci said a booster dose may be needed, particularly for those people who are at higher risk, such as cancer patients and organ transplant patients whose immune systems are lowered.

Stick to travel restrictions :

A White House official said, on Monday, that the administration of US President Joe Biden will keep restrictions on foreign travel as they are, amid concerns about the rise in infections with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) with the spread of the mutated Delta strain of the deadly virus, according to the agency. Bloomberg News.

Bloomberg said the administration has faced calls from foreign governments, airlines, and some members of Congress to ease restrictions on foreign nationals entering the country, but the official insisted that the US position would be guided by the opinions of public health officials.

 The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that local case levels are increasing, especially among unvaccinated people, and are likely to continue rising in the coming weeks.
