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 How has the pandemic affected tourism across the world?

The Corona pandemic hit the world, and tourism was among its biggest victims. The borders are closed, the planes are grounded, the restless airports are empty, and the hotels are empty as never before. The losses of this sector in the world in the first 10 months of 2020 approached about 1000 billion dollars.

After about a year and a half from the emergence of the virus, signs of a recovery in the tourism sector began to appear in many regions of the world, in light of fears of an epidemic setback that might return the situation to square one.

How has the pandemic affected tourism across the world? What are the policies and measures taken by countries to revive this sector, after the decrease in infection rates with the Corona virus? Is this summer the beginning of tourism recovery? And what are the most important international destinations competing for the sector’s returns after the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic? Is it possible to rely on domestic tourism in light of the fluctuation between closing and opening borders in some tourist countries?
