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The most tourist city in the world in the year 2020


If you are looking for the most touristic city in the world in the year 2020, we will tell you about a group of European cities that you deserve to visit and put them on the list of places where you can make memories. At the outset, we refer to tourist tours in four cities that give travel enthusiasts unique cultural experiences

It is true that the Corona epidemic prevented us from traveling, and made us closer to domestic tourism, and for the occasion, we told you about travel items that you need to pack for the next stay, but the day must come when we start our lives again, and board the plane without fear To visit one of these four cities!

Salzburg :

One of the largest UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it includes many of the city's major sights and is filled with historic buildings, squares and small streets. It is known It is known as the Austrian Grove and the Bride of the Alps, and is at the top of the list of tourist cities.

Bonn :

The German city of Bonn enters the map of tourist cities in the year 2020 through the wide door, and its history dates back to the Roman era, characterized by its picturesque nature. Museums are among its most famous tourist attractions, such as the Bonn Museum and the Atrium Museum, in addition to Bad Goldenberg and Stern Strasse Street.

Galway :

The largest city in Western Ireland and one of the most beautiful tourist places. Famous for its art galleries, shops, and cobbled streets in the city's charming medieval quarter, Galway is a major center for traditional Irish music and is also a port city and one of the few places in Ireland that still speaks Irish on the streets. It is ideal for all lovers of history and culture.

La Paz :

La Paz is working in 2020 to develop the urban cable car, the highest and longest in the world, where there will be 11 lines in 2020, which is the actual capital of Bolivia. It is one of the most ideal cities to visit in 2020.
