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The best American cities in hygiene rates


In order to rank the best US cities in terms of general hygiene, a travel insurance comparison site recently analyzed 50 US cities across a set of major hygiene categories.

These categories included a demand for hand sanitizer, cleanliness of restaurants, amount of recycling complexes, satisfaction with the garbage disposal, market share of electric vehicles, and pollution to identify the cleanest destinations .

The best winning US cities were as follows:

Long Beach - California

Long Beach, California With an impressive score of 7.02 out of 10, Long Beach has bragging rights as the cleanest city in the country.

The beloved warm-weather destination performed exceptionally well in several important categories, including overall garbage disposal satisfaction (9.73), electric vehicle market share (10), and restaurant cleanliness (10).

San Diego, California

San Diego, in second place, scored high on electric vehicle market share (10), restaurant cleanliness (10), and garbage disposal satisfaction (8.82), but fell short of number one due to dismal signs of hand sanitizer demand. (2.11) and the recycling complex quantity (3.32).

Sacramento, California

With perfect scores on restaurant cleanliness (10) and electric vehicle market share (10), Sacramento overcame lackluster scores for hand sanitizer demand (1.34) and pollution (4.47) to take third overall.

Tampa, Florida

With Florida meeting federal standards for air pollutants for the first time in a decade, Tampa is heading in terms of cleanliness, riding its strong pollution scores (7.89), the number of recycling collectors (7.32), and garbage disposal satisfaction (10) to point number four.

Charlotte, North Carolina

One of only two East Coast cities that excelled in the top ten, Charlotte scored 6.09 out of 10.

The city of North Carolina now complies with federal health standards for ground-level ozone, cementing its standing in the nation. I

San Jose, California

Nearby San Jose scores slightly better, in part due to the city's interest in hand sanitizer (3.5) and its perfect scores for electric vehicle market share (10).

However, San Jose's restaurant cleanliness score of 6 out of 10 is the second-lowest of any city in the top ten.

Oakland, California

The Gulf region is well represented in the list of the best. Oakland narrowly beats Tucson with an overall clean score of 5.73. Auckland did not score for restaurant cleanliness but did well in terms of electric vehicle market share (10) and pollution (7.37).

Tucson, Arizona

Tucson scored well in categories such as pollution, amount of recycling collectors, and satisfaction with the garbage disposal, ranking eighth (5.71),

Far ahead of nearby Phoenix (3.64) and Mesa (3.25). It is worth noting that Tucson has been ranked as one of the top five cities for air quality.


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