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There are many tips that any traveler must follow and know before heading to Azerbaijan, which can be identified in many steps so that the traveler is familiar with them before heading to the tourist destination.

Visa requirements

Visa requirements depend on the country of your nationality, so the best thing to do is to refer to the information provided by the relevant authority in your country.

For individuals traveling with a British or US passport, you are usually required to obtain a visa before arrival, by consulting the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan for more details, as the traveler may be eligible for an e-Visa, e-Visa applications, once approved, are valid for 30 days.

the language

After independence from the Soviet Union, the official language became Azerbaijani, sometimes known as Azerbaijani Turkish. It is related to Ottoman Turkish and uses the Latin alphabet. Russian is still used in daily life and English is increasingly spoken by young people in tourist sites, so some phrases can be used in Simple language in order to facilitate dealing with the indigenous people and quickly adapt and adapt to them.

when will you travel?

The best time to travel depends on the region that the traveler wants to go to because the climate varies with the geography of Azerbaijan, the lowlands near the Caspian Sea are at their best from April to June, greenery and clear skies abound every day, the summer is very hot and humid, but the winter Moderate, the hottest months are July and August, at which time you should head to the mountainous region that is usually relatively inaccessible, October is the best month to travel to the capital, Baku, if the traveler is a ski lover, the traveler should go to Azerbaijan from January to February.

the currency

The official currency of Azerbaijan is the manat. The traveler can use credit cards in banks in Baku, hotels, and large restaurants that cater to travelers, although cash is always preferred, as only notes that are in good condition can be used as others may not be accepted.

There are no problems with ATMs and most international cards are accepted there.


It is easy to find big chain hotels in big cities like Baku and the standards are very high, it can be hard to find cheaper accommodation and hostels because they are still relatively rare.

Safety and security

Azerbaijan is quite a safe country to travel to due to the low levels of crime, the traveler should still exercise a normal degree of caution and common sense, especially at night.
