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Britain imposes quarantine on Emiratis


After noticing an increase in cases infected with the emerging coronavirus, Britain decided to impose quarantine on travelers coming to it from the United Arab Emirates.

And the British Ministry of Transport said, on Monday, that the United Kingdom removed the UAE, from the list of countries exempted from quarantine, after an alarming increase in confirmed cases of Corona virus.

And the decision began to be implemented, on Monday, for those coming from Dubai, to start its implementation, starting from four in the morning on Tuesday, for those coming from the rest of the Emirates.

About 1.5 million Britons visit the UAE every year.

As of Monday, the UAE had recorded about 233,000 cases of the emerging coronavirus, of whom 711 people died.

On Monday, the United Kingdom recorded 563 deaths, and the number of people with Covid-19 receiving treatment in the country's hospitals exceeded 32,000, an increase of 20 percent compared to the previous week, and 81 percent since December 25.

And Saturday, Britain crossed the threshold of three million cases of Covid-19, a day after recording a record daily death toll of 1,325 cases, which raised the total death toll from the epidemic on its soil to more than 81,000.
