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Plovdiv Bulgaria is a destination for archeology buffs


Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria; It is known for its ancient history, as many peoples, such as the Thracians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans, passed through it. Plovdiv occupies a position on the list of the most ancient inhabited cities in the world.

Tourist places in Plovdiv, as follows.

Places to visit in Plovdiv :

• "Ancient Theatre": In the "Old City", the "Ancient Theatre" is one of the excellently preserved Roman theaters in the Balkans, and it is still used today in organizing outdoor concerts and opera performances, and it can accommodate 7000 spectators. It was discovered in the seventies of the last century, after a landslide occurred in the hill on which it stands, knowing that the history of the construction of the theater dates back to the nineties of the first century AD.

• The Roman Stadium: Only parts of the aforementioned structure can be seen today, although it was the time of the Romans, specifically when Plovdiv was known as Philipopolis, the place of hosting huge sporting events, in the second century, and it hosted 3000 spectators. At the venue, you can watch a short film made in 3D that depicts the history of the stadium. The stadium is located in parts of the old city of Plovdiv and, like the Roman theater, was only discovered in the last century.

• “Old Town”: The Old Town of Plovdiv is located on the tops of three of the city's hills; Therefore, exploring it requires wearing sneakers to walk the cobblestone streets. In the place, there are many archaeological houses that have been turned into museums, including the Balabanov House, the Ethnographic Museum, and the History Museum. An indication that the Balabanov House was built in the early 19th century by the merchant Hadji Banayot Lampshade. owned by three; It bears the last name (merchant Luka Balabanov).

• “The Arts Quarter”: “Kabana” is a singular in Bulgarian that means “trap.” It describes the many branching roads that end at a closed point! “Cabana” best expresses the aforementioned neighborhood, which hosts art galleries, small ateliers where souvenirs can be bought, and cafes... The youthful atmosphere prevails in the place.

• “Singing Fountains”: part of the Tsar Simeon Garden; At night, people come to attend the distinctive "show" of fountains, with sound and light.

• The Friday Mosque: After the Ottomans seized the city in the thirteenth century AD, they built the aforementioned mosque, next to the Roman "Stadium". There is a café near the mosque that serves Turkish sweets.

• “Rowing Canal”: Athletes refer to the place while practicing rowing and during related tournaments. The address is generally dedicated to entertainment, locals visit it especially for exercise, noting that the "Plovdiv Zoo" is close to it.
