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Outside the borders of London and Paris .. 4 wonderful European cities that most tourists do not know


Paris, Rome, Madrid or London, when planning travel, most tourists choose famous destinations in Europe, because of the cultural and historical landmarks that many of these cities dream of seeing. But there are a lot of cities that are not well known on the tourist maps despite their splendor.

Lacoste France :

In his report, published by the Russian FBI website, writer Roman Grigoriev said that this city is located in the southern part of France, specifically in the state of Provence, about 40 kilometers from Marseille. Tourists in Lacoste usually tour the Marquis de Sade Castle, which dates back to the 17th century. There are many vineyards around this area.

There are many good cafes in this area, suitable for spending pleasant evenings in a relaxed atmosphere. If you are a shopaholic and want to buy souvenirs, you can visit the dedicated shops for handmade goods.

Surrey in England :

The village of Saury is located in the North East of England, less than two hours from Manchester Airport. According to some data, the village was rebuilt in the 14th century. Tourists describe it as a great place to rest and relax. The home of the English children's writer, Beatrice Potter, is located here, which has been converted into a museum.

In the neighboring village, there is also an elementary school for the poet William Wordsworth, and it is a popular tourist destination, which makes a visit to this village a distinctive historical tourist discovery.

Rothenburg Germany :

The city of Rothenburg in Bavaria is about an hour's drive from Nuremberg. Rothenburg is the most German city that has preserved its historical character for ages. So, when you step into this city you may think you are in a fairy tale, with its towers, cobbled streets, and colorful old houses.

It is recommended to spend about 30 minutes wandering the streets of the old city upon arrival. After that, you can go to the Town Hall, which often hosts many concerts and entertainment programs. This city is known for its wonderful Christmas markets.

Bergen  Norway :

The Norwegian city of Bergen is located on the west coast. The journey from Oslo to Bergen takes one hour by plane, but you can also travel by train. Bergen was founded in 1070, and over time has developed into an important port in Norway.

This city is known for its cultural activities, where various festivals and events are held throughout the year. The city is also famous for its multicolored wooden houses that are hundreds of years old. One of the most striking features of this city is the port that surrounds it.
