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The area of one of them does not exceed the residential neighborhood... Learn about cities that are considered sovereign countries!

 When you think of the concept of the state, you will most likely envision states or territories that include a group of cities, towns, and villages that are linked together to form one nation under one banner and one currency, and thus states are formed in most cases, but have you ever wondered about the concept of the city-state?

City-state concept :

A city-state, or sovereign city, is essentially an entire state located within just one city boundary.

If we look at history in the past, we will find that Rome and Athens are examples of city-states that left their mark, and these places where the city enjoyed sovereignty over its surrounding areas, and served as the center of political, cultural and economic life in the entire region.

Many sovereign cities have come and gone throughout history, and are believed to have arisen when early tribal systems disintegrated and established themselves as city-states within Greece between 1000 BC and 800 BC, according to Canada's World Atlas website.

Monaco :

Monaco is located near France on the Mediterranean Sea, and although it is small, it is administered independently.

There are no official border procedures to follow when crossing from France to Monaco, but if you ever do, know that you are entering a new country.

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world, with a length of fewer than two miles (3.18 km) and a width of 0.68 miles (1.1 km).

Officially, it is not part of the European Union, has only one municipality, and uses the same official language as France: French.

Singapore :

Singapore is the only city-state in the world that is considered an island and is home to some of the world's richest people.

This city-state has a mixed history; It was under the rule of the British in two periods between (1826-1942) and (1945-1963) in some respects, and it was also under the rule of Japan and Malaysia.

The country became a sovereign state in 1965 when it withdrew from Malaysia amid political and ethnic tensions.

It is now an independent republic and part of the United Nations with an economy based largely on electronics manufacturing, scientific solutions for biochemical compounds and other chemicals, as well as transportation engineering and logistics. Singapore also has a thriving financial services sector, which is the second largest part of its economy.

Vatican :

Vatican City is an inland enclave of Rome located on the banks of the Tiber River, administered as a sovereign state.

This famous place houses the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, the world's smallest city-state.

The Pope lives within the territory of Vatican City, which has an area of ​​0.44 km².

The Vatican relies on museum entrance fees, souvenir sales, and contributions from the Catholic Church's half-billion followers.

This small city-state that dates back to the fourth century AD has its own post office, signaling station, newspaper, and telephone network, and its army is the Swiss Guard (Pontifical Forces), which has been securing it since the sixteenth century.
