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The recovery of air travel in America .. a record number for flights


The number of US air travelers rose to 2.23 million on July 18, up from 747,422 on the same day a year earlier.

Yesterday's passenger numbers increased by 13% from the previous day and by 210% year-on-year, according to the US Transportation Security Administration.

The average daily number of passengers increased by 0.7% compared to the previous week.

The daily average of passengers was 2.06 million in the past seven days, compared to 664,022 a year ago.

On the other hand, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said earlier that passenger demand for global air travel is still weak compared to pre-pandemic levels, while figures reveal that demand is 63 percent lower in May 2021 compared to the same month before two years.

Iata added that international travel is affected by the ongoing restrictions much more than travel within domestic markets such as China and Russia.

Willie Walsh, director-general of the association, called on governments to better coordinate with each other to support the recovery of the aviation sector.

"We see wide variation in requirements for things like testing," Walsh said. "Clearly this is causing a lot of confusion in consumers' minds."
