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UNESCO inscribes Nice, France, on the World Heritage List


The French city of Nice is inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites; The World Heritage Committee, recently convened (July 2021) online, justified its choice of the city located in southern France, on the Mediterranean coast, between Marseille and Genoa, in the Alps Côte d'Azur region, saying that "Nice has gained great fame as a world winter resort; since the middle of In the eighteenth century, the destination attracts increasing numbers of aristocratic and upper-class families, and British families in particular, who used to spend the winter there. The committee pointed out that "increasing numbers of foreign visitors, especially from Russia, flocked to the city in the winter of the twentieth century," explaining "the crystallization of forms of urban planning and the upgrading of buildings with eclectic styles as a result."

International winter resort :

In winter, the average temperature in Nice ranges between 9 and 14 degrees Celsius, knowing that the largest amount of rain falls in the city during February (August), but it is enough to carry an umbrella, and indulge in tourist activities, as the noise abounds during mid-February in particular, With the organization of the popular "Carnival of Nice". The festive "Carnival" is organized on the seaside Corniche (Promenade de Zanglet), the two-week festival, which attracts tourists of different interests, knowing that it raises the title of its activities every year. The fashion processions during the "festival" are impressive, as are the displays of light, fireworks, flowers, and models that walk during it. An indication that the history of the festival dates back to 1873.

Places and attractions in Nice :

In addition, there are many tourist places worth visiting in Nice, which is full of activities in winter. Here is an overview of it:

Attending an opera

  • • The architecture of the "Nice Côte d'Azur Opera House", which is attractive in architecture, was reopened in 1885 after it was devoured by fire in 1881. The original house (the small wooden theater) was built for the first time in 1776.

  • • Visiting one of the exhibitions or art museums, where the cultural character of the city is evident in its activities and annual calendar. In this context, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice contains an impressive collection of works, signed by 300 artists of different nationalities, the Marc Chagall Museum, opened in 1973, the Matisse Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art| Mamak...

  • • Strolling on the palm-shaded sea "Corniche", which has been known to aristocratic tourists since the nineteenth century; The name "English Picnic" is due to the wealthy English tourists coming to the place. The latter is a vital artery. It is also pleasant to walk and spend time in the "Paillon Park" or in the commercial markets in the "Victor Hugo Boulevard", where there are many "boutiques", restaurants and cafes, or in "Piazza Garibaldi" in the center of Nice.

Tour of the old city of Nice 

Old Nice still has its character from the 18th century

  • • A tour of the old city of Nice, which still enjoys its character of the eighteenth century, with its narrow cobbled alleys, souvenir shops, soap and textiles, and religious monuments distinguished by its buildings, the Lascray Palace dating back to the seventeenth century and food, flower and goods markets used and fish...

  • • Shopping, especially since the sales season starts in mid-January and lasts for about a month. And to the "boutiques" of high-end brands and Galeries LaFayette, there are two shopping centers (Nice Etoile and Cap 3000) worth checking out.

  • Ski resorts: Nice is located in the south of the Alps, and it includes ski resorts in its vicinity that attract tourists who want to perform skiing, whatever their levels, in addition to other snow sports, noting that several buses run from the city in the direction of luxury resorts often.
